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Couples Therapy

Experience Change with
Comfortable Living Inc

Your Local Mental Health Service Provider - Here to Guide You

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What To Expect From Service With  Us...

Our Mission is to be a provider that will promote education, therapy, counseling, and support in understanding the significance of mental illness and its impact on an individual’s level of functioning to equip the individual with the necessary tools to become self-sufficient, gain control over their emotions and impulses, advocate for themselves, and the ability to access community resources in order to promote healthier living.

  • Crisis response, resolution, and debrief

  • Establish home stability with an emphasis on keeping the family intact

  • Coping and social skills development including self-help and living skills for the youth and caregivers

  • Support through monitoring the effectiveness of interventions and routine measurement of treatment progress

  • Connections to needed community resources for food, utilities, housing, clothing, and other social determinants of health

  • Therapeutic modalities are trauma-informed. Primary modalities include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy.

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Our Services

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Intensive In Home Services

A qualified mental health professional meets with the family in the home setting as well as community venues for several hours each week, addressing powerful and persistent mental health and behavioral issues. The actual amount of time spent with each youth and family varies based on family needs and often decreases throughout treatment as progress is made. This approach is designed to address the identified needs of children and adolescents, who due to serious and chronic symptoms of an emotional, behavioral, and/or substance abuse may be at risk of more detrimental consequences.

Image by Jack Lucas Smith

Mental Health Skillbuilding

Mental Health Skill-Building Services are designed to assist those individuals with a mental health diagnoses in meeting all of life’s struggles and challenges. From helping the individuals to work through the often confusing daily challenges, to accessing community resources in training the individual with the most basic life skills. Mental Health Skill Building Services meets a wide range of individuals whose needs are associated directly with the challenge of mental illness, itself accompanying issues that go along with all types of mental health diagnoses. Our clients at are assigned professional qualified mental health specialists who work closely with those individuals in designing a Service Plans tailored to meet and address their specific and unique needs. We support, train, and assist individuals in attending and communicating at psychiatric and medical appointments, complying with medication, accessing community resources, learning basic life skills and independent living skills, learning social skills, and gaining access to recreational, educational and vocational  opportunities.

MCR and Community Stabilization

Mobile Crisis Response provides in-person crisis intervention and short-term support to anyone, anywhere, experiencing a mental health, drug/substance abuse or other crisis. MCRT dispatches behavioral health experts to emergency calls instead of law enforcement, when appropriate, with teams made up of clinicians, case managers, and peer support specialists.

Community Stabilization is focused on individuals ages 5 or older who are experiencing an acute crisis of a psychiatric nature that may jeopardize their current living situation, physical arm or removal from the home. The goals of this service are to prevent hospitalization and establish community stabilization through the use of formulating and implementing a safety plans, coordinate care and treatment plans.

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"You are not broken. You are breaking through"

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With You Every Step of the Way

When Should I Get Help?

Feeling a bit down lately and nothing seems to lift your spirits, can't remember to take your medication or are unmotivated to complete life's daily tasks? It might be time to seek help from a licensed professional. Individuals with mental health illnesses are often the most vulnerable and isolated people in our local communities. Unlike many other illnesses, the struggles associated with mental illness are made all the more difficult because of the nature of the illness itself – coping with even the basic daily tasks can be a lifelong challenge. But, we want you to know that you are not alone there is help out there for you.

Image by Claudia Wolff
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Community Outreach

We believe in giving back to our community and neighbors though community drives, clothing closets and community resources.  Our company encourages educating the community on mental health matters especially in these stressful times that we all are facing during this time.

Mindfulness and Coping

We work to solve current problems and improve positive thinking and behavior. We encourage learning the ability help “re-frame” your reactions and provide you with valuable tools to cope with life’s obstacles. What are coping skills? means to invest one's own conscious effort, to solve personal and interpersonal problems, in order to try to master, minimize or tolerate stress and conflict. The psychological coping mechanisms are commonly termed coping strategies or coping skills. The term coping generally refers to adaptive (constructive) strategies which reduce stress.  Mindfulness is to observe and label thoughts, feelings, sensations in the body in an objective manner it can be used as a tool to avoid self-criticism and judgment while identifying and managing difficult emotions.

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